Styling up your mindmap (EasyMind 3.11.0 & 1.0.40-AC)

Styling up your mindmap (EasyMind 3.11.0 & 1.0.40-AC)

Styling your mind map

Your mind map can be customized in many ways. In this section, you find information about mind map formatting options in EasyMind.

Please note you need to select given Topic(s) before using formatting functions in your mind map.

Mind map Color theme

You can choose from different color themes. You can adjust the intensity of the colors to get different results. Text color changes automatically according to intensity to get a good contrast between text and note to result in good readability.


Mind map Structure

In the General menu you can choose which structure of the mind map, you want to use. There are six structures implemented in EasyMind: Balanced Map, Custom Map, Org (up), Org (down), Logic Chart (left) and Logic Chart (right). Selecting one of these options determines how the Topics will be linked to the root Topic. Only one structure can be active at any given moment.

There is also option of Free positioning which allows you to arrange first-level nodes anywhere on the mind map.









Node adjustments (text formatting, color, shape…)

When clicking on chosen node and opening Node adjustment tab in General menu, you can edit properties of the chosen topic. Starting with text, where you can change Font family, set the text to be Bold, Italic, Strike-through, change Font size or edit Font color.
To continue with node appearance where you can change color, shape (Capsule, Round Rectangle, Rectangle, Underline, Ellipse and Diamond), and line appearance where you can change color, shape (Straight, Curve, Elbow and None) and thickness.

On the screenshot below you can see the most used features, but you can click on full styling options at the bottom of the tab and see full styling options.

If you select multiple Topics before editing, changes are applied on all of them at once.

Copy formatting

You can Copy and Paste Topic formatting by selecting Topic, clicking on the “Copy style” button and then clicking on Topic where you want to apply the same format. You can apply this copied format on multiple Topics by Ctrl/Cmd + dragging over them.

All formatting changes for selected Topic(s) are deleted by clicking on the button Reset format.

Floating Topics

By dragging Topic out of reach of others it will become Floating Topic. The Floating Topic has its own structure independent of the main Central Topic.


You can also create Floating Topic using the Add Floating Topic button in Mind map advanced tab when no other Topic is selected. The newly created Floating Topic is placed in the default position above Central Topic.


You can create group of topics by selecting topic (all child topics of selected topic will be in the group) and click on Create group button in Mind map advanced tab.


You can create relation from one topic to another by selecting node (from which the relation starts) → clickling on Create relation button in Mind map advanced tab and selecting second node.